
PACE is beginning the nomination process, effective February 1st, 2025. If you are qualified to become a candidate according to the City of Edmonton requirements and want to run for City Council as a PACE candidate, please submit a CV or résumé in .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf format to [email protected] with the following information:

  • The ward you wish to run in.
  • Name, address, phone, email, DOB and other identification information such as social media usernames, handles, etc.
  • At least 10 years of work/professional history.
  • Education and qualifications.
  • Three personal references with contact information

Also include the following as part of your package:

  • Police Information Check.
  • A statement confirming your support for PACE’s five foundational principles.

Qualified applicants will be contacted to arrange a nomination interview with the PACE Nominating Committee. A positive Committee recommendation could lead to an acclamation or a further interview with a Ward Association, depending on the number of suitable nominee applicants in the ward.