PACE is Edmonton’s FIRST municipal political party! Join us to make BIG CHANGE at City Hall!
Become a PACESETTERPACE (Principled Accountable Coalition for Edmonton) is the first new political party formed under the recent legislative changes allowing parties in municipal politics. This follows the historic merger between PACE and TAPYeg.
Our goal is to unite common sense, practical, fiscally prudent, community-focused voices across Edmonton and offer voters a team of City Council candidates we can all support and be proud of.
PACE candidates believe in Value for Taxes, Community Safety, being Open for Business, First Things First and being Accountable to You. Isn't it time that the entire Council felt like that? By electing PACE councillors, our city will be transformed. Election day is October 20, 2025.
These are the five guiding principles foundational to PACE.
Let’s be honest and realistic about the fiscal capabilities of our city. And let’s apply basic cost controls over both capital and operating budgets.
Without this we cannot build and share our community with others. Some glaring problems need cooperative community-based solutions.
Our purpose is to enable your good ideas. PACE believes in creating a welcoming culture for new enterprise.
Let’s concentrate on achieving excellence in delivery of core services. Do the basics well and avoid getting distracted.
PACE will transform the current sham of “engagement” to actually mean something. Citizens need to be heard; legitimate concerns must be heeded.
Sheila Phimester, PACE President, submits more than 1,000 names requesting official party status
We're working hard to get ready for the October 20, 2025 election. Learn more about our plan to elect a principled, common sense party to Edmonton City Hall.
We have collected over 1000 signatures and formally applied to the City of Edmonton to be approved as a political party. We expect to hear back shortly.
Once our party is formally approved, we will host an annual general meeting and begin the process of recruiting candidates and preparing to run a winning campaign.
We will develop a process to recruit and nominate candidates, and then we will formally nominate a slate to contest the next election.
Our party will develop the team and tools required to win the fall election and elect a team of common sense voices for Edmonton city council.
On October 20, 2025 we will be ready to fight and win. We are aiming to elect a new Mayor and a majority of councillors who can bring common sense back to Edmonton.
PACE believes that local community involvement is a fundamental aspect of creating accountability in our elected representatives.
Having a ward association involved in candidate selection, campaigning and post-election communications is unique to the political party structure.
The leaders of these ward associations are PACESETTERS. Find out more at an upcoming PACESETTER meeting.